Monday, February 27, 2017

2017 Chocket Awards

Dante and Camille have returned for the 2017 Chocket Awards! They cover categories like Best Talkie, Best Acting, Best Moment, Best Music, Down The Rabbit Hole, and more. A video version will be available soon. Thanks for listening!

1 comment:

Sort of Camille said...

C: Manchester By the Sea (Too Late)
D: Fences

Best Action Movie
C: LaLa Land (Midnight Special)
D: Deadpool

Best TV Show
C: The Tunnel (Goliath)
D: Goliath

Best Looking
C: Too Late ( Moonlight/Arrival)
D: Dr. Strange

Best Poster
C: Moonlight/Too Late
D: Midnight Special

Best Music
C: Arrival
D: Luke Cage

Best Documentary
C: Soundbreaking
D: City of Gold

Best Moment
C: Roy takes Alton out at the break of down to expose him to sunlight in Midnight Special (Conversation between Black and Kevin at the end of Moonlight)
D: The discovery of betrayal scene between Captain America and Ironman in Captain America: Civil War (Entrance of Jack Horne (Vincent D'Onofrio) in Magnificent Seven)

Out of the Rabbit Hole:
C: Nocturnal Animals
D: Don't Breathe

Down the Rabbit Hole:
C: Moonlight (Too Late)
Dante: Fences (Deadpool, LaLa Land)

Best Acting
D: Michael Shannon in Midnight Special (Denzel Washington in Fences)
C: Ensemble cast of Fences (The three Chirons and Manchester By the Sea Lee and Patrick uncle and son characters)